Ecommerce Business-ல் செய்யும் தவுறுகள் | Mistakes in Ecommerce | Ecommerce Business in Tamil

Common Mistakes in E-commerce :

Greetings friends,

In this video, Mr. Jabastin would like to explain how to overcome the common mistakes that our Tamil E-commerce course buyers do.

A lot of Beginner Level mistakes prevail through immediate execution without a clear understanding of the proper concept of online selling of products and we definitely try to help you out with our proper guidance.

The common mistakes of sellers will lead to business losses and as well as account termination so henceforth we provide proper guidance in our course to avoid it happening. There are a lot of things to focus on various E-commerce selling platforms such as price-fixing, volumetric handling charges, shipping fee structure, weight handling charges, and a lot and without having any idea of it many sellers fix some prices by themselves and it leads to huge loss.

Many sellers had faced a huge loss due to lack of guidance and knowledge on volumetric shipping charges and had lost money and also their seller account due to it, so we make sure things of such sort shouldn’t happen to our course buyers so we provide proper guidance to overcome it. We made a clear explanation of how a price should be set and also regarding packing, labeling and correct fixage of price which is to listed on online platform for a volumetric product sold on various online platforms.

We constantly instruct and advise our Tamil E-commerce course buyers to watch each and every video posted in the course to avoid such losses. Hence we take great initiative explaining now and then the common mistakes online sellers commit and how to avoid it, so we firmly believe that this video is of great help to do business the right way.

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